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Nananthus vittatus

Scientific Name:

Nananthus vittatus

Common name:










South Africa

Hardiness Zone:



ABout the PLant

Nananthus vittatus, commonly known as the 'dwarf vygie', is a small succulent native to South Africa. It has an unusual appearance, with its short stem and rosette of grey-green leaves that are covered in fine white hairs. Its leaves are thick and fleshy, and they form a rosette shape around the stem. The plant grows up to 8 inches tall and 6 inches wide, making it an ideal choice for smaller spaces or containers. The flowers of Nananthus vittatus are yellow and daisy-like in shape. They bloom in springtime, usually from late August to early October. The flowers attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies, making them an important part of the local ecosystem. In terms of care requirements, Nananthus vittatus prefers well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight. It should be watered regularly during the growing season but allowed to dry out between waterings. It can tolerate some frost but should be protected from extreme cold temperatures. In addition, it is best to keep this succulent away from pets or children as its sap can cause skin irritation if touched or ingested. Nananthus vittatus has been used by South African cultures for centuries for medicinal purposes due to its anti-inflammatory properties. In recent years, it has become popular among gardeners around the world due to its low maintenance needs and attractive blooms. Whether you're looking for a low-maintenance houseplant or a unique addition to your outdoor garden space, Nananthus vittatus is sure to make a great choice!
Nananthus vittatus succulents prefer bright indirect light. This means that they should be placed in an area with plenty of natural light, but not direct sunlight. They can also tolerate medium light, but should be kept out of low light areas. Direct sunlight will cause the leaves to burn and may damage the plant.
Nananthus vittatus succulents thrive in well-draining, sandy soil that is slightly acidic with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5. The soil should also be kept lightly moist but not soggy, as too much moisture can cause root rot. Adding some perlite or pumice to the soil will help it drain better and keep the roots healthy.
Nananthus vittatus succulents require very little water, so it's best to water them lightly every two weeks. During the summer months, you can increase watering slightly but be sure not to overwater. During the winter months, you should reduce watering even more and allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings.
The ideal humidity conditions for the Nananthus vittatus succulent are low to moderate. It should be kept in an environment with a relative humidity of 40-50%, as higher levels can cause root rot and other issues. It's best to avoid misting or over-watering this plant, as it prefers dry air and soil.