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Whitesloanea crassa

Scientific Name:

Whitesloanea crassa

Common name:











Hardiness Zone:



ABout the PLant

The Whitesloanea crassa succulent is a unique and fascinating species of plant. Native to South Africa, this evergreen succulent grows in the form of a shrub or small tree, with its branches growing outwards from a single trunk. Its leaves are glossy and leathery, shaped like an inverted cone and arranged in pairs along the stem. The flowers of the Whitesloanea crassa are star-shaped and yellowish-white in color, blooming during springtime. This species can reach heights of up to 10 feet when mature, though it is usually much smaller in size. It has an interesting growth habit, with new branches sprouting from the base as it matures. This gives it a distinctive shape that resembles a bottlebrush tree. When it comes to care requirements, Whitesloanea crassa prefers bright indirect sunlight and well-draining soil that is kept slightly moist but not soggy. It also needs protection from extreme temperatures; temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit can cause damage to its leaves and stems. Pruning may be necessary to keep its shape tidy and promote healthy growth. Whitesloanea crassa has been around for centuries; records show that it was first described by botanist Sir Hans Sloane in 1753 during his travels through South Africa's Cape Province region. Today, this succulent is widely cultivated for its attractive foliage and easy care requirements; many gardeners enjoy using them as ornamental plants or ground cover in their gardens or landscapes. Overall, the Whitesloanea crassa succulent is an eye-catching addition to any garden or landscape due to its unique shape and beautiful yellowish-white flowers that bloom during springtime. With proper care, this species can thrive for many years!
The Whitesloanea crassa succulent prefers bright indirect light, which means it should be placed in an area that receives a few hours of direct sunlight per day. For the rest of the day, it should receive medium to low light. It is important to avoid direct sunlight for more than a few hours per day as this can cause the plant to become sunburned.
The Whitesloanea crassa succulent requires well-draining soil that is slightly acidic. The ideal soil should be a combination of one part peat moss, one part coarse sand, and two parts potting soil. This succulent prefers to be watered infrequently but deeply when the soil is dry. Make sure to use a pot with drainage holes so the excess water can escape.
The Whitesloanea crassa succulent is a great choice for those looking for an easy-care plant. It should be watered lightly every two to three weeks, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings. If you are in a very hot climate, you may need to water more frequently. Be sure not to overwater as this can cause root rot and other issues.
The ideal humidity conditions for the Whitesloanea crassa succulent is around 40-50%. This means that the air should not be too dry or too humid. It's best to keep the air in its environment slightly moist, but not overly wet.